There's only one way...

by Maike Molina in

When choosing a company for your parking lot needs you take many factors into consideration. The main reason is typically affordability and next is probably experience. When considering a company you must weigh in how all of the necessary factors relate to the process and how they perform it. ​

​Experience and years in business isn't the only areas to dissect. Is the company you've just hired educated in the process? Does the company perform the work first hand? How much of the work do they sub-contract out? Are the sub-contractors educated and skilled in the process? These are some questions you may ask when choosing a vendor to provide asphalt maintenance and repairs. 

Over spray and run-off

Over spray and run-off

Attention to detail; anyone can purchase the tools and equipment but how they use it is what makes the difference. Are they mindful of areas that are not asphalt? Do they take the time to ensure only the correct areas have sealer on them? Is the level of detail exceeding your expectations? One step in the process is making sure the edge of the asphalt is sealed maticulously and in a manner that does not affect the concrete gutter or sidewalks. This routine step is easily deligated to the newest member of a crew but unfortunately this means your asphalt won't be the only thing being sealed. Although some level of run-off and overspray is to be expected, the difference is in how much it is controlled and avoided. The right company will make certain that all your asphalt's edges and property boundaries have nice clean edges and contrasting lines-overspray and run-off is minimized. The next time you're walking around your property or simply walking into your neighborhood grocery store, take a look at the lot's edges. Is it more common to see overspray over clean concrete? If it is then that's not the company to for you.  

White paint turning brown due to improper application

White paint turning brown due to improper application

The application of sealer is not the only area to focus on. Critical stages occur prior to and post application. How well is your vendor preparing the sealer? Is the product being over diluted to 'stretch' material? Are the correct additives added? If the conditions are not right the sealer can take longer to set or not be at the correct consistency to offer protection as it is intended. Once applied, sealer should be allowed to dry sufficiently prior to applying a second coat. Further more, correct dry time is needed prior to adding your parking stripes and stencils. Failure to do so can lead to reaction of the paint that offers discoloration. Paint can also react if 'quick dry' paint is used too soon without the proper drying time, the result, white paint that looks yellow, yellow that looks brown.  

There's only one way to have your asphalt's the right way. Although we don't market ourselves as perfection, we make sure to be up to date with the latest and educated in all aspects of the work we perform. We employ a level of detail that is unmatched and together with our decades of experience we aim to surpass the competition.

Contact us today for a free estimate on the work needed on your property.  

Top to Bottom Service

by Maike Molina in

Together with our sister company, Watt Commercial Sweeping (WCS), were able to provide complete parking lot rejuvenation and restoration services to an existing customer. WCS, currently provides regular maintenance by way of power sweeping and litter control but when the need arose, we stepped in and provided full service asphalt maintenance. 

As a 24/7 operation business, the parking lot is on the short end of the stick. From weather to heavy traffic, the parking lot slowly began to wear. To restore the curb appeal and extend the life of the asphalt we first cleaned, prepared and filled straight line cracks in concert with asphalt repair crews, who laid a perm-flex patch over heavily cracked and 'alligatored' areas. An herbicide was sprayed on weeds that had penetrated through cracks and openings as well as an oil spot primer to prepare for the coal tar sealer.

Once all the preliminary work was completed we proceeded to methodically apply the sealer by first meticulously painting the sealer along the edges; a process that sets us apart from our competition and provides a cleaner more professional look. Once all the edges are sealed, we continue the process by spraying all the open areas in a uniform pattern. The lot receives two coats of premium sealer when completed. As each section is completed the process of re-striping and stenciling parking stalls and other traffic markings is quickly performed. When dried, the section is complete and opened to the property's employees and customers to enjoy. 

The entire process took 5 days, approximately 3,000 gallons of sealer, while allowing the company's operations to continue unbothered and resulted in a parking lot with a life extended an additional 5-10 years. For your free estimate on your property, contact us today!

Spring Time Sprucing Up

by Maike Molina

Maybe sealcoating and new asphalt are out of your budget; there's a simple solution where you have  an adequate improvement without breaking the bank. When your budget doesn't permit a longterm solution to your dilapidated parking lot, consider having a fresh coat of parking lot striping. 

Striping adds a rich compliment to new asphalt or a sealer coat but can also bring new life to an old lot and bring back the appeal at a minimal expense. Give us a call or send us an email and we can provide you with a free estimate!

Crosswalk with a fire lane hashout inlay

More than just sealing...

by Maike Molina

Although it's in our name, we don't just sealcoat. 

Atlanta Sealcoating does more than that. We can also repair and replace damaged asphalt, fill cracks, re-stripe existing parking lines, new layout striping and power washing too!

Have a look at a few pictures of a power washing job performed to compliment the recently sealed asphalt.  


We can provide standard power washing or a hot wash using steam to break up stubborn areas and we only use environmentally safe biodegrade solutions for cleaning.

For a free estimate on power washing or any other service, head over to our contact page and send us your information.